Avon Fundraisers

I love to help others by helping them do a fundraiser for their organization, group or family/friend. Avon offers a unique opportunity for your group to raise the funds you need by selling well known products that everyone can use! Check out these FAQs about Avon Fundraising.

Did you know that your organization can earn money easily by selling Avon products?

Avon Fundraisers are the simplest way to earn money for your organization. There is something in the Avon brochure that everyone you know can use, even if it is just a bottle of roll-on deodorant.
I will furnish each participant a current Avon brochure, an order book and a collection envelope. Those participating will show the brochure to all their friends, relatives and co-workers. Then, they write up the order, collect the money for the product and turn the orders and money in to me. From that point, I place the order with Avon. When the order comes back to me, I sort it and bag it by your individual member's sales. When it is all bagged up, I will deliver the products and the check for your organization to the head of your organization for distribution to your members. The members then deliver the products to their customers. I do all the work and your organization reaps the benefits.

Why should my organization have an Avon fundraiser?

Avon fundraisers offer minimal effort from your members. It offers products to family and friends that they can use and are possibly already purchasing on a regular basis. Avon fundraisers do not mean that you have to go out and purchase items to use for the fundraiser, such as food to prepare for a fundraiser dinner or lunch. Avon fundraisers require minimal effort from your members . . . no standing over a hot stove or washing cars in the hot sun.

What will your organization make off an Avon fundraiser?
The answer to that is really up to the members of your organization. How much you make will be totally up to you and your members. The more products you sell the more your organization will earn! If your organization sells $1000 of products, the organization will earn 45% on most of the products. If your total sales are less than $1000, you will only earn 30%. However, there are certain products in the brochures that I do not make full earnings on. These products are marked in the brochure by a special symbol that looks like this:
Any item with this symbol, will only earn 20% for your organization, regardless of what your total sales are.

Example of possible earnings:

You have 50 people in the organization selling for the fundraiser. They each get orders for $100 of the regular earnings items. (An average customer order is usually about $20-25, so that is just selling to 5 or 6 people each.) Your total group sales would total $5000. At 45%, your earnings would be $2250. The amount that the group earns is totally based on how much they sell and how much effort they each put into getting orders. (I know of a 10 year old girl that did a "year 'round" Avon fundraiser to earn money for her expenses to the National Final Competition for Pre-Teen America last July. In a couple of hours, she had already sold over $125 of Avon products! Some of the high school students that participated in their fundraiser sold $600 to $800 during one fundraiser.) It all sums up to be that the more the group sells the more that they earn. If a member of the group can recruit other family members to help them by getting orders from their friends, the sales can really soar!

How often can your organization have Avon fundraisers?

That is up to your organization. They can do one every 2 weeks, every month, every quarter. It depends on what they want to do. There is one organization in a high school that has 2 to 3 Avon fundraisers per year. During an 8-year period from 1998-2005, this organization earned a total of $34,457.70 just by getting Avon orders.

Which products do we offer for Avon fundraisers?

There are several options for Avon fundraisers. We have a single page brochure that has selected items (such as seasonal items, ornaments, gift items, etc.), there can be a SSS Fundraiser featuring only Skin-So-Soft products, a Bug-Guard fundraiser that only features SSS Bug-guard or a FULL Brochure fundraiser. The full brochure fundraiser is a little more work for me but it offers much more fundraiser earnings for you. This is because there are generally many items from $1.00 to $5.00 so that a customer that probably would not otherwise order will place some kind of an order, even if it is only a couple of dollars. This will offer much more earnings potential to your organization.

When do you need to let me know that you want to do an Avon Fundraiser?

It is best if you let me know about 3 or 4 weeks before you plan to start an Avon fundraiser. This will give me enough time to order the brochures and prepare the packets for each member of your organization.

What is in it for your members?

Most important, they have the satisfaction of selling a product that their friends and family can use vs. selling a "high-dollar" product that falls apart the first time they use it!

Some of the organizations choose to offer incentives or prizes to the members raising the most money for the organization. The money for the incentives or prizes comes out of your profit and you purchase and award these yourself. (I am already giving you all my profit from the sales and furnishing the supplies, therefore, in order for me to offer you prizes, I would have to decrease the percentage that you earn from the sales.)

Do you or any members of your organization have any questions about Avon fundraisers that I did not cover?

If so, please do not hesitate to give me a call and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. If necessary, I will be more than happy to meet with your organization and explain Avon fundraisers to your members and answer any questions that they may have. I may be reached at 740-415-AVON (2866). If I am not available, be sure to leave a message so that I may return your call.

It's that easy! Call me for all your fundraising needs!

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